Thursday, April 30, 2009

Stress out

Why these 2 weeks past so slowly? Some people already finished their exam, i still have one more subject to go, FOM. Don't really like this subject, i think because of the stupid text book that gives a lot of U.S. examples and i don't know WTF is it talking about. 2-3 lines explanations, 10++ lines examples. I think the examiner expect us to give all examples for essay questions. Study so hard for OB, memorize until my brain is going to burst, luckily the exam questions considered easy. Don't know what happened to my eyes while answering IHRM paper, the question asking for 'causes of termination', but i saw it as 'problems caused by termination'. My brain totally empty because we never studied about that. After completed the other questions, i looked at it again, easy~ haha! Now my brain is in the process of removing OB and IHRM and trying to absorb FOM. After this Saturday 11am, it's the time for me to eat, play, sleep and enjoy 99!! Can't wait for this day...cepat mali cepat mali~~

Monday, April 20, 2009


SHE is my classmate...
a new member of DBU 10...
SHE joint my gang since last month...
but...SHE is always isolated by us...
SHE follows us to everywhere...
but sometimes just disappear
without my knowledge...
why i dislike HER??
probably because of HER personality...
or face problem...
although SHE is very quiet...
but we still beh song HER...
SHE is very annoying & irritating...
don't YOU feel so??
SHE didn't follow the norms of our group!
so, don't be angry that we isolate YOU!

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Bye sem 3, and welcome sem break..
Wish everyone, especially DBU10, good luck in final exam!
Gambateh~! Add oil~! Jia You~! Tambah minyak~!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


We had finished our syllabus for FOM, and today lecturer went through all the topics with us. As usual, the attendence at the end of semester is terrible. For those who didn't come for this lecture is a waste! The lecturer was so nice, she told us what we must read and which topic can be ignored. We can ignore 2 chapters and some subtopics! Woohoo~~ This is the most meaningful lecture to me!

After taken lunch, girl's gang went to library. Some were busy preparing for presentation, and some had nothing to do(including me). Guess what we did in the library? We play hide-and-seek(suggested by Yat Lee)! Yat Lee be the police, Siew Ying, Yoke Ling, Janis and I hide ourselves somewhere in the library except toilet and studyroom. Yat Lee is given 15 minutes to find us. I hide in a corner at ground floor and pretended to be good girl with some notes on my hand. While waiting to be caught by Yat lee, i managed to surf the net and checked for my exam timetable. haha!! The other 3 hide themselves between the book racks at different levels in the library. Yat Lee found Yoke Ling 1st but she ran away(don't know the rules), followed by Siew Ying and Janis. I was the last person to be found! ish ish...Janis told Yat Lee that i was at ground floor. 3 more minutes i can be the winner la!!

Haha! That was fun, and a bit challenging because we cannot shout, run and laugh as we like. Sooner it becomes a place of entertainment for us. Haiz..Don't know when we can become mature, already 19 or 20 years old but we still look like small children. Malu betul~

Thursday, April 9, 2009

A funny tutor

Yesterday lecture had been cancelled, so I only attended tutorial class at 3pm. The tutor explained very well, but he spent too much time on a question. So Janis and I started to feel bored and both of us trying to make some fun in the class. The tutor is very nice and humorous too. He made me so pai seh!! He took me as an example to explain the communication process so that we can understand better. Here is the example he used.

Let’s say he falls in love with me, he will not tell me directly but give me some hint. During Valentine’s Day, he makes a card (love shape) and sends it to my house. So from the card, I should be able to understand his meaning. The next step is my response, either I accept or reject him. In between, there are some interruptions, maybe there are few guys going to chase me also. So from this 'interesting' story, it explains the whole communication process.

Sender: My tutor
Encode: The card that represents the message he wanted to send to me
Message: He loves me
Decode: My interpretation of the message
Receiver: Me
Response: Accept or reject
Noise: Rival in love

My face turns to 'tomato face' when he said this. It was totally out of topic! We are studying Marketing, not love story. *sweat* I remind the tutor to make sure his wife is not around the college. Haha!! The moral value is do not be too active in class or else teacher will always point at you!

Monday, April 6, 2009


After playing badminton on last Friday, the next morning my whole body so pain! Especially my hand and legs, want to sit down also susah..I still went for jogging somemore, more worse! Luckily i still can walk, if not i have to sit on the wheelchair..haha!!

Yesterday i went to Nilai to pray my grandma and my brother. Out of my expectation, the traffic was very smooth. Normally during 'Ching Ming' sure jam like hell, but this time we can reach there within 30 minutes. Yesterday only i noticed that last year i didn't come and pray them because i was still in camp. Every year during 'Ching Ming', i feel very funny when i saw those things people burn for the deceased. Especially the money, car, credit card somemore! and this morning i saw bikini!! Walao A~~~ I'm wondering why people like to play firecracker at the graveyard. Will the deceased get frightened by the noise??

I prayed my grandma first, she passed away for 9 years, but i still can remember how she looks like. As i know, my grandma not so sayang me and my bro due to some family problems. Anyway, it's ok for me..After that my cousins and i prayed my brother. The only sibling of mine, and our relationship was not very good last time because we always argue until neighbour came and complain. =.= My home became so quiet after his death, but sometimes can hear my parents quarreling. Haiz...i feel like crying when i left the place.

Last night sms with one of my NS friend, Wei Jie until 1 something in the midnight. I like to chat with him and won't be bored when chatting with him. I'm very naughty, always bully him but he will never get angry! I'm glad to know him~ hehe..

Friday, April 3, 2009


Today 10 of us, including Siew Ying, Tuck Weng, Siew Ying's cousin, Janis, Janis's brother, Ngai Hong, Jack, Kah Koon, Ken Yee and i played badminton in Kepong. Before that we planned to play in Desa Petaling but the court was fully booked. At 3.50pm, i drove to the petrol station at Kuchai Lama because Janis will pick me up there. And then we followed Tuck Weng's car to Kepong. This is the 1st time and the last time i go there!! We were like having sauna at the stadium, once we enter the stadium we start sweating.

We play from 5pm to 7pm. I think Ken Yee is the best player among us followed by Tuck Weng and Siew Ying's cousin. Don't ever perceive a thin guy as a weak person! Even though Ken Yee is thin, but everytime he hits the shuttlecock will come out with the sound 'fiark fiark'. So admirable~~ my bf must good in sport too!!! haha! The rest not bad oso la...The funny thing is Ngai Hong and Jack, just like 2 kids playing badminton. Didn't eat rice wan ar?? Please use energy when playing badminton leh, even i stronger than them. Haiz...

After changing clothes then we went back. Traffic jam again~~ my stomach already started to 'gi li gu lu', my last meal was at 11am. Reached home at 8.40pm, damn tired! My mom tell me that she didn't cook. WHAT?! She told me she got cook before i went out! No choice, have to makan pau today..hehe..

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Happy April Fool!!

I think today many people are fooling around. For those who kena tipu, kasihan~~ and for those who didn't, Alhamdulilah~! Hahaha...anyway, i wish everybody HAPPY APRIL FOOL!!!

Normally at this time i will be holding my book and read read read, today let myself rest for one night. I'm too stress recently, even when i'm sleeping but my brain is still working...keep on thinking of what i had studied, my brain is full of millions of word...How nice if my brain can work so well during final exam..After exam i'm going to clear everything in my brain! I'm waiting for sem break!!!

Today i had a test for FOM, before the test i went to library to study. Actually i was just revising because i already studied at home. I'm very concentrate for the 1st hour, but after the guys came in, i started to divert my attention towards them. Then we make noise in the studyroom since there was no other people. Ruby so hardworking and she keep asking me questions...=.=

I underestimated the test! At library i joke with my friends :'test only sap sui la...' When i entered the class, tutor told us that the test is quite tough. T_T Normally mid term test is not very tough, but this paper needs a lot of thinking. I'm not sure the answer for some questions, i was just guessing...Hope my 'gun' can shoot accurately. I'm tired even though i sleep for more than 7 hours a day. Today Janis replaced my post as a driver. Yeah~ i can sleep in car..Thank you Janis! XD