Thursday, April 30, 2009

Stress out

Why these 2 weeks past so slowly? Some people already finished their exam, i still have one more subject to go, FOM. Don't really like this subject, i think because of the stupid text book that gives a lot of U.S. examples and i don't know WTF is it talking about. 2-3 lines explanations, 10++ lines examples. I think the examiner expect us to give all examples for essay questions. Study so hard for OB, memorize until my brain is going to burst, luckily the exam questions considered easy. Don't know what happened to my eyes while answering IHRM paper, the question asking for 'causes of termination', but i saw it as 'problems caused by termination'. My brain totally empty because we never studied about that. After completed the other questions, i looked at it again, easy~ haha! Now my brain is in the process of removing OB and IHRM and trying to absorb FOM. After this Saturday 11am, it's the time for me to eat, play, sleep and enjoy 99!! Can't wait for this day...cepat mali cepat mali~~


  1. lolz.. after exam i wan slep 99 only.. makan tak payah..

  2. yea...of cz the 1st thing i wil do is sleep la..

  3. eh, but slep more than 9 hrs a day die faster leh.. if slep less than 9 hrs then not shuang 1..

  4. choi~ u die adi i'm still alive..
