Tuesday, April 14, 2009


We had finished our syllabus for FOM, and today lecturer went through all the topics with us. As usual, the attendence at the end of semester is terrible. For those who didn't come for this lecture is a waste! The lecturer was so nice, she told us what we must read and which topic can be ignored. We can ignore 2 chapters and some subtopics! Woohoo~~ This is the most meaningful lecture to me!

After taken lunch, girl's gang went to library. Some were busy preparing for presentation, and some had nothing to do(including me). Guess what we did in the library? We play hide-and-seek(suggested by Yat Lee)! Yat Lee be the police, Siew Ying, Yoke Ling, Janis and I hide ourselves somewhere in the library except toilet and studyroom. Yat Lee is given 15 minutes to find us. I hide in a corner at ground floor and pretended to be good girl with some notes on my hand. While waiting to be caught by Yat lee, i managed to surf the net and checked for my exam timetable. haha!! The other 3 hide themselves between the book racks at different levels in the library. Yat Lee found Yoke Ling 1st but she ran away(don't know the rules), followed by Siew Ying and Janis. I was the last person to be found! ish ish...Janis told Yat Lee that i was at ground floor. 3 more minutes i can be the winner la!!

Haha! That was fun, and a bit challenging because we cannot shout, run and laugh as we like. Sooner it becomes a place of entertainment for us. Haiz..Don't know when we can become mature, already 19 or 20 years old but we still look like small children. Malu betul~


  1. hahaha!actually i suggested for fun but dont know why u all so excited to play XD

  2. hahaha...next time play again..ask more ppl to play..
