Monday, April 6, 2009


After playing badminton on last Friday, the next morning my whole body so pain! Especially my hand and legs, want to sit down also susah..I still went for jogging somemore, more worse! Luckily i still can walk, if not i have to sit on the wheelchair..haha!!

Yesterday i went to Nilai to pray my grandma and my brother. Out of my expectation, the traffic was very smooth. Normally during 'Ching Ming' sure jam like hell, but this time we can reach there within 30 minutes. Yesterday only i noticed that last year i didn't come and pray them because i was still in camp. Every year during 'Ching Ming', i feel very funny when i saw those things people burn for the deceased. Especially the money, car, credit card somemore! and this morning i saw bikini!! Walao A~~~ I'm wondering why people like to play firecracker at the graveyard. Will the deceased get frightened by the noise??

I prayed my grandma first, she passed away for 9 years, but i still can remember how she looks like. As i know, my grandma not so sayang me and my bro due to some family problems. Anyway, it's ok for me..After that my cousins and i prayed my brother. The only sibling of mine, and our relationship was not very good last time because we always argue until neighbour came and complain. =.= My home became so quiet after his death, but sometimes can hear my parents quarreling. Haiz...i feel like crying when i left the place.

Last night sms with one of my NS friend, Wei Jie until 1 something in the midnight. I like to chat with him and won't be bored when chatting with him. I'm very naughty, always bully him but he will never get angry! I'm glad to know him~ hehe..