Saturday, May 2, 2009


Recently my parents and I receive a call from a stranger, we do not know who the caller is, and every time we pick up the phone he/she just keeps silent. I had answered the call few times at around 4 something in the evening, my mom say this fellow even call us at midnight. I’m wondering who the bastard is that he/she is so free to disturb people. Is it so syok to waste your 10 cents for each call and then maintain mystery? You are such an annoying person! Save your 10 cents and donate to the needy la, your 10 cents means a lot to them! Ish ish…geram betul…


  1. 我也接过很多次哦~!三更半夜也打来!!!之后我一直拒绝接听那个人就没打来了!通常都是那些Bangladeshi... 好讨厌哦!

  2. haha kum ying dont be so angry least he or she didnt ask u 'questions' XD
